Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Days 833 - 835: Poison Oak, Again!

Day #833 * Hike #1037 * New Track #816
New Ways in Arroyo Verde - Ventura
Tuesday February 26, 2013
My Tripometer: 1 Hour * 2.5 Miles * +400 Feet

It starts off as a normal walk.  These dogs were aggressively meeting Sammi and appeared stuck between the fence.  Ayden and I thought about hiking down the barranca but we've already conquered all of these on previous hikes.  That is, until...

 New Barranca Trailhead

All these years and I never paid any attention to this path.  This one lies off of Skyline near the bottom of the hill.  It was no easy feat to climb up this slick runoff, but we did it.  I also believe, this is where Ayden and I came down with the poison.  For the last week, I've been itching crazy!  This is not my worst episode but nevertheless, it sucks!  Ayden even needed to take a day off school because of it...

 End of the path, not really worth it...

 A tunnel of poison?

 Awesome views over the fence

 We hiked down to Foothill...

 Legit Trailhead...

 No worries, it was open...

Another poisonous attempt...

To keep my new tracks legit, the earlier barranca movement was not enough to call today's journey a New Track.  So, we ventured off through here and went as far as we could go before deciding that this was a bad idea.  Maybe this is where the poison got us?  Fortunately, the young little one came away with no damage.  Also not shown in the picture is Ziggy, my little white dog.  He had a tough time in the thick of all this and after scavenging around for a few minutes, we all turned back and climbed up the steep arroyo trail back to the house...

**Wednesday Day #834
Duplicate -- 2.5+ mile run at Kimball Park

It's been awhile since my wife and I ran together.  Thus, today I gave up a pursuit finding a new trail to run in stride with her.  Our times were hardly amazing, but here they are for the record...

2.02.47 8.44.14 1 Mile
---1.54.72 1/8th pause at intersection
2.19.80 9.06.91 2 Mile
1.55.71—23.53.71 -- 2.625 Miles
.25.68 24.19.39 Jess Finishing Time
***Thursday Day #835
Duplicate hike at Arroyo Verde
Back on the trails at Arroyo, I walked along the legit paths to give my dogs some exercise.  I had just started noticing the itch so I wasn't about to search off trail today...

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