Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 885: Ballona Lagoon - Marina Del Rey

Retired race dogs still clock in at 43 mph

Day #885 * Hike #1110 * New Track #867
Ballona Lagoon - Marina Del Rey, CA

Friday  April 19, 2013
My Tripometer: 1.5 Hours * 3.5 Miles * +25 Feet


Find your way to Venice California.  We drove down Washington Blvd and just a couple blocks away from the ocean we turn left on Pacific Ave.  Off to the left we noticed this area as seen in the picture above.  We parked our car on the side of the road and began to walk around.

We first started down the trail back towards Venice but then turned back and began walking to the bridge...

 We crossed the bridge and then turned right...

About a year ago, I hiked along the famous Venice Beach: Day 544: Venice Canals.  Of course, knowing me I took a normal tourist attraction and found a way to make more out of it - into a hike along the canals.  Today, I was in search for what was on the other side.  Hmm, looks like I found it :)

 Along the way...

 About a mile down, end of trail...

 a boardwalk takes you here

 The lagoon leads to Ballona Creek

The Venice Promenade ends here...

 We hiked the cement trail toward the ocean

 Venice Fishing Pier in the distance

Marina Del Rey Opening to the Pacific
(from the end point of the boardwalk)

To the South - Planes from the LAX fly out over Playa Del Rey
(We'll visit this area later in the day)

Random Park in Marina Del Rey

After trekking to the furtherst most spot along the boardwalk, we turned back to the east where the route ended here.  There is a sign that states, Marina Del Rey.  I believe this was my first actual encounter with this town.  The Ballona Lagoon separates the Venice side to the Marina Del Rey side.  since we were quite a distance from the car, we routed back but our day was far from over...

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