If you have registered as a Hunter for the Cash Cache Game, use your Cash Cache Hunter Code to Decrypt this message to discover where the $100.00 Cash Cache is hidden:
**Boy, that was easy; huh?! Have a great Holiday Weekend and have fun searching for the Benjamin!!! The first person to find the money will also receive 35 Points if they are the first to respond back with the Buzz Word! Everyone else who finds the Cache will earn 10 points! This is Huge!!!
Good Luck and Have Fun!!! Somebody will come up when they discover the Cache! No worries, I have enough money in my bank account to clear the check :)!
Hey, it's not too late to participate. If you haven't registered for the game yet, please CLICK HERE to Register for the Cash Cache Adventure! This will be one of many games offered! Why Geocache if you can search for real money?! Duh :) Errr, like a Pirate!
Have a Great Holiday Weekend. I will be off Hiking in San Juan Capistrano!!! I have fallen behind by a couple of weeks on my blog but that's because I"m out hiking so darn much :)